  Черепашки-ниндзя   Вселенная  Второй мультсериал (2003 – 2009, 4Kids)  4-ый сезон (2005-2006)   Серия 25 "Good Genes" Часть II [103] [c03s04e25, c03e103]
   23.03.2009, 07:30  
Серия 25 "Good Genes" Часть II [103] [c03s04e25, c03e103]
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ID:	21630"Good Genes" Часть II / "Хорошие гены" Часть 2

Автор сценария: Christopher Yost
Премьера: April 8, 2006
Главный продюсер: Lloyd Goldfine
Продюсеры: Gary Richardson, Frederick U. Fierst, Al Kahn, Norman Grossfeld, Thomas Kenney
Режиссер: Roy Burdine
Сценарист: Lloyd Goldfine

Основные персонажи: Donatello (Sam Regal), Leonardo (Michael Sinterniklaas), Michelangelo (Wayne Grayson), Raphael (John Campbell)
Персонажи второго плана: Bishop, Baxter Stockman, Leatherhead, Master Splinter, April O'Neil, Casey Jones, Karai, Foot Mystics
Местоположения и техника: Bishop's HQ beneath Area 51, Foot Headquarters, Turtle Copter

Полная версия сюжета на английском языке (под спойлером):
Intro: Leonardo narrates as we flash between the various events that have transpired since Don’s monstrous mutation. We see the Turtle Copter as it flies to Bishop’s headquarters, the Turtles infiltrating the base, Monster Don in the containment tank and Bishop making a deal with the TMNT to fetch a relic for him that's currently in possession of Karai...

Act 1: Open as Bishop talks to the shadowy informant from inside his secret communications room. Bishop informs the entity that he has brought in a special team to acquire the talisman it seeks. Meanwhile in the local laboratory, Leatherhead and Master Splinter demand that Stockman show them the cure for Don's mutation. Baxter laughs and informs the mutants that Bishop was lying to them and that there is no cure!

Back in New York City, April and Casey pull the new Battle Shell up to a power station. Jones is disguised as a janitor and he infiltrates the building while April monitors the computers from inside the vehicle. It's up to Casey to install a virus on the station's computers to temporarily create a power outage that will allow the TMNT to break into Foot headquarters via its garbage-disposal chutes. Mike, Raph and Leo sneak inside the building - but the virus doesn't work and our heroes are at risk of being burned alive by the furnaces!

Act 2: At the last moment, Casey smashes the power station's computers with a monitor, causing a blackout throughout New York City. The brief power outage takes down the Foot defense systems long enough for the Turtles to gain entrance. Upstairs, Karai orders her men to investigate - and then she senses that Leonardo is inside the building! As Karai ponders what her enemies are up to, the Foot Mystics observe Leo and Mike via their magic pool.

Cut to Bishop’s headquarters where an enraged Leatherhead prepares to smash Baxter Stockman. Master Splinter calms the angry alligator, explaining that Stockman's demise will not help Donatello.

Back at the Foot HQ, Raphael has found the storage room for the gigantic Foot Mechs while Leo and Mike arrive at the Mystics' Chamber.

Act 3: Leonardo and Michelangelo make their way past the statues of the Foot Mystics and enter the elevator. On the next floor, our heroes find the relic and snatch it from its podium. Karai enters the room and demands the return of her talisman.

Meanwhile, Raphael has set explosive charges on the Foot Mechs and blows the 'bots to smithereens.

Leo and Mike try to escape, but Karai calls in the Elite Guard. Leo tries to hold them off and orders Mikey to flee - just as Raph arrives in one of the Foot Mechs and opens fire!

Act 4: The Elite turn their attention to the Mech and quickly destroy it while Karai calls in more reinforcements. Soon enough, Raph, Mike and Leo are surrounded by dozens of Foot ninjas! Leonardo calls Casey on his intercom and tells his friend that they need an exit on the east wall - pronto! Outside, April and Casey are piloting the Turtle Copter, which swoops in and launches a barrage of missiles at Foot headquarters, blasting a mammoth hole into the wall!

Cut back to Bishop’s headquarters where we see the cockroach monster de-mutating. With that, Bishop orders the vaccine to be spread over New York City and also to be administered to Don - if the other Turtles hold up their end of the bargain.

Inside Foot HQ, debris and smoke fill the room. The Turtles make their break for it. Karai calls out Leonardo, and he turns - but Mikey reminds him that they've got to go. The mutant ninjas leap onto a rope ladder and climb onboard the Turtle Copter. Karai falls to her knees and screams in anguish as the Turtles escape with the relic.

Planes spread a mist of vaccine over the city. All of the mutant monsters begin to de-mutate.

The Turtles land at Area 51 and hand the relic to Bishop. With that, alarms sound and the agent informs our heroes that the building will self-destruct in fifteen minutes. The guys pump the vaccine into Don's cage and the brainy turtle emerges in a cloud of mist, weakened - but cured! With little time to escape, the team climbs onboard the Turtle Copter and make their getaway just as the base erupts into a ball of fire.

Cut to Bishop’s new base, in an undisclosed location. Stockman begins a laser analysis based on specs given to him by the mysterious informant. However, once the lasers are activated, the relic instantly sparks and turns to dust! Bishop realizes that the whole thing has been an elaborate set-up. The mysterious figure laughingly tells the agent that it has been a pleasure working with him and cuts the connection.

Back at Foot headquarters we learn that the entity that had been dealing with Bishop was one of the Foot Mystics in disguise. The arcane beings assume their true forms and we discover that the relic was the key to Karai’s power over them. Now that the talisman has been destroyed, they are free to resurrect the one true Shredder!

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Последний раз редактировалось Casey; 04.09.2017 в 18:25.
05.12.2010, 19:36
Кто как думает ? Пока не вышел 5 сезон, я думал что Мистики-ниндзя воскрешат Утрома Шреддера , так как они скажут в конце ( - И мы свободны, свободны воскресить истинного Шреддера ! ), вы тоже так думали ??? Когда ещё ы незнали сюжета 5 сезона !
06.12.2010, 06:31
Я так не думаю. Во первых тогда мешала бы Караи в 4-ом сезоне украсть амулет, который мистиков освобождает? И тем более в первой серии пятого сезона об этом говорилось. Тренируй внимание.
06.12.2010, 12:50

  Сообщение от sergerey96 

Я так не думаю. Во первых тогда мешала бы Караи в 4-ом сезоне украсть амулет, который мистиков освобождает? И тем более в первой серии пятого сезона об этом говорилось. Тренируй внимание.

Ты имеешь виду что если воскресят злого Утрома, Чрелла, Герцек Окуреца Карай ы немешала вернуть своего отца ?
14.10.2011, 18:50
palblog :: Blast from the Past #319: August 5, 2004: comments on Ep. 86 second draft, and August 6, 2004: comments on rest of season 4 story arc :: 14.10.2011 18:41

Ep. 103

1.) Re: the following:

"With their brother mutated into this new, monstrous, mindless state, it’s all the others can do to keep him confined! The boys call in LeatherHead and April to help come up with an anti-mutagen… but Don was the one who’d been studying Bishop’s genetic gloop for weeks. He’s the only one who really understands it… and without his brainpower, the others really have no idea how to help him."

What about the Fugitoid? Where is he now? Plus, I'll reiterate that I think it should be Raph and not Don, who mutates.

Последний раз редактировалось Павел; 03.11.2012 в 11:23. Причина: лишнее
20.12.2011, 19:50
palblog :: Blast from the Past #343: November 2, 2004: notes on Ep. 98 second draft, notes on Ep. 100 first draft, and comments on premises for Eps. 102 and 103 :: 20.12.2011 19:42

Subj: comments on premises for Eps. 102 and 103
Date: Tuesday, November 2, 2004 9:19:03 PM
From: Peter Laird
To: Lloyd Goldfine


Here are my minor comments on the Ep. 102 and 103 premises.

1.) Re: the following:

"Meanwhile, Bishop learns through a disguised informant in the Foot organization that the Foot has in their possession an artifact that could hold the key to finally stabilizing his genetic experiments. His informant gives him all the information he could need: how to get it, how to use it once he’s got it, etc."

I'd like to know more about this artifact and how anyone could know that it might have the effect described. Sounds a bit iffy.
Even though the artifact turns out to be a dud/fake in Ep. 103, there should be SOMETHING which convinces Bishop that this artifact is the real deal... and part of that is establishing that the mysterious informant who is in contact with Bishop would be someone who would likely know this information (someone in the Foot Science division, perhaps?).

2.) Re: the following:

"But, he must have that artifact. The Foot informant tells Bishop that necessity makes strange bedfellows and that the answer to his quandary will be presenting itself shortly…"

I assume this mysterious informant is talking about the Turtles. If so, how can he/she/it POSSIBLY know that the Turtles will become involved? (Having now read the premise for Ep. 103, I now know that the informant is one of the Foot Mystics. But the question still applies. Are we saying that the Foot Mystics can see into the future? That would seem to open up a big can of worms.)

3.) Re: the following:

"Then, Bishop examines the artifact the Turtles have procured for him. He follows the instructions given to him by his mysterious Foot informant, only to have the artifact crumble to dust before his eyes! He has been duped. And, he is not happy about it."

I would think that part of the "instructions" would be something that requires that the artifact be destroyed/crushed/broken/burned/whatever, so that it is apparent that whatever power it once held to keep the Foot Mystics under control is now gone, due to whatever Bishop has done to it. And it should also be made clear that while what Bishop does to the artifact is no big deal, it was magically IMPOSSIBLE for the Mystics to do it -- which is why they had to manipulate the Turtles and Bishop into doing it for them.

-- Pete


оригинальная запись в блоге


All TMNT-related images © Mirage Studios unless otherwise noted. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles® is a registered trademark of Mirage Studios; all rights reserved.

Последний раз редактировалось Павел; 14.10.2012 в 13:14. Причина: лишнее
24.12.2011, 19:21
palblog :: Blast from the Past #345: November 12, 2004: comment on Ep. 102 ("Good Genes" Part 1) outline and comments on Ep. 104 ("Ninja Tribunal") premise, November 13, 2004: comments on Ep. 103 ("Go

Subj: comments on Ep. 103 ("Good Genes" Part 2) outline
Date: Saturday, November 13, 2004 12:47:56 PM
From: Peter Laird
To: Lloyd Goldfine


Here are my comments on the Ep. 103 outline.

1.) Re: the following:

"LOGLINE: The turtles have made a deal with the devil … a.k.a. Agent Bishop. In return for curing Donatello, his three brothers have agreed to retrieve a pendant that is supposed to aid Bishop in his genetics work. The only problem, they have to steal it from Karai. And, she won’t be giving it up with a fight."

Minor point, most likely a typo, but I think that "with" in the last line should be "without".

2.) Re: the following:

"RECAP: We see Donatello, in monster form, knocked out and trapped inside Leatherhead’s containment unit.

Donatello (VO): My name is Donatello… and I’ve seen better days."

I question the wisdom of giving Don the voiceover here, as it kind of muddies the waters. The implication of it is that while Don LOOKS monstrous, and ACTS monstrous, his mind is actually totally clear and trapped inside his mutated body. Which it isn't. I think it's confusing, and we should have someone else do the voiceover.

3.) Re: the following:

"Bishop: ‘Then do it! Destroy Stockman… destroy me! But what becomes of Donatello? What becomes of the mutants in New York? Are you a monster? Or a man? Prove this intellect you claim to possess… help us finish the cure!’"

Leatherhead is not now nor ever has been a MAN. I think different wording is in order here.

4.) Re: the following:

"Leo breaks the chain around the crystal, grabbing the crystal itself. He then KICKS Karai, hard enough to send her THROUGH the wall. She smashes into the hidden ‘lab’ behind the wall (as seen in ‘City at War’ and shatters the tube that Oroku Saki healed in."

Is this a "real" wall or a paper wall? I don't think Leo should be able to kick Karai through a real wall, nor should Karai be able to bounce back up from such an impact -- doesn't make much sense. In any event, I don't even see the point of having Karai go through the wall and break the tube -- why bother? Does it add anything to the story?

5.) Re: the following:

"RESUME on the Turtles freefalling, having just leapt off the top of the Foot Skyscraper. Karai runs to the edge to see the Turtles’ seemingly suicidal escape…

…only to have the Turtle Copter DE-CLOAK in the sky before her."

"DE-CLOAK"???!!! Since when can this copter CLOAK? Also, even if we accept this preposterous notion, it's even MORE preposterous that the copter would be waiting to catch them RIGHT THERE AT THAT VERY MOMENT.

-- Pete


оригинальная запись в блоге


All TMNT-related images © Mirage Studios unless otherwise noted. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles® is a registered trademark of Mirage Studios; all rights reserved.

Последний раз редактировалось Павел; 15.10.2012 в 19:47. Причина: лишнее
04.01.2012, 19:40
palblog :: Blast from the Past #349: December 13, 2004: comments on Ep. 103 ("Good Genes" part 2) "final" and notes on Ep. 104 ("Ninja Tribunal")second draft :: 04.01.2012 19:30

Subj: comments on Ep. 103 ("Good Genes" part 2) "final"
Date: Monday, December 13, 2004 2:35:10 PM

From: Peter Laird
To: Lloyd Goldfine


Here are my comments on the Ep. 103 "final".

1.) Apparently I missed a BIG revision in the previous draft. The whole Casey/April attacking the power substation bit is really dopey -- there is no logical reason given why April has to send Casey in dressed as a janitor (she can't look like a janitor? Riiiight...) so that he can insert a disk (??!!). Why doesn't she do it remotely, via some online connection? And then to have Casey act like an idiot and just start throwing things around and just by sheer happenstance his doing so causes the power to get shut down... groan.
Not to mention the fact that we have one of our "heroes" basically beating up on (to the point of unconciousness!) some innocent city employee! What's up with that?
I also find the entry by the Turtles through the fire chute/laser tunnel very uninteresting. And what happened to the cool bit of Raph commandeering a Shrednaught? That was one of the best parts of the previous draft as far as I'm concerned.

2.) Re: the following:

(to the Elite)
They must not leave! Do you hear me!? Cut off their thieving hands and bring them to me!"

The "cut off their thieving hands" bit is a little over the top. And it's not entirely clear what she's saying -- does she want the Turtles' hands? The Turtles' themselves? Or the relic? I'd lose it.

-- Pete

Последний раз редактировалось Павел; 18.10.2012 в 16:15. Причина: лишнее
05.11.2014, 12:07
Кто спас жизнь Микеланджелло ? Мистики ниндзя? Когда элитный ниндзя собирался убить его, какая то магическая преграда стала.
01.09.2016, 18:37
Знаете, я только что обнаружила интересную, двойную отсылку в этой серии черепашек. Во-первых, это отсылка к 16 серии этого же сезона, во-вторых, это отсылка к "Волшебнику страны Оз". (Помните, когда Лео вернулся от Старейшего, он стал искать свою семью. В момент, когда он отыскал Майки, он говорил, что ему приснилась страна Оз. В серии "Хорошие гены" (часть 2) Микеланджело, опять же припоминает страну Оз в момент, когда черепашки дерутся с Караи и ее элитными воинами...)
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